
Dear Concord Rusam team, I would like to take an opportunity to say “Thank You” from the bottom of my heart.
Me and my family moved in America 3 years ago and last week I passed the NCLEX-RN on first attempt. That’s because of wanderful program that you have for immigrants. In my native country I was a doctor, but here I decided to become a nurse first. Thank you for your support and encouragement in achieving this long journey. I would recommend this school to everyone who wants to realize the American Dream.
В США 6 лет с 2010 года. Имея за плечами многолетний опыт работы врачем искал возможность найти свое место в медицинской сфере. Единственным для меня путем оказался CONCORD RUSAM. Уже более двух лет работаю register nurse. Я очень благодарен Юрию Курашвили, человеку который создал CONCORD RUSAM, создал возможность для меня и многих других людей получить отличную, уважаемую специальность, найти здесь, в Америке, свое место. Спасибо всему коллективу школы за вашу доброту и терпение. Спасибо фондам COJECO и HFLS. Все вы оказываете реальную помощь людям, даете им надежду и веру в себя. Хочу пожелать тем кто придет следом: Не сомневайтесь это правильный, а возможно единственный путь в медицину. Не откладывайте обучение, можно учиться в CONCODR и развивать свой Английский параллельно не теряя время.
Успехов тебе CONCORD RUSAM и ещё раз спасибо
Concord Rusam is a real help! I could recommend to each and every new immigrant the way of building American Career with Concord Rusam. It’s not only my experience, but life achievements of many of my friends. I am very much grateful to Concord Rusam.
Maybe my experience is unusual: I graduated American college as RN but I couldn’t pass exam over and over again. I didn’t feel good about myself after that. Actually I felt despaired and hopeless. But my friend recommended me to come to Concord Rusam for Review Course for NCLEX-RN. It really worked! The teacher explained all material extremely accurately with many significant details, and if somebody (me, for example) did not understand anyway he explained the same material in Russian. I passed exam absolutely without previous difficulties. Now I work as RN in dialysis center and I already think about becoming a Nurse Practitioner. Thank you, Concord Rusam, teachers and administrators, for my life!
Dear Concord Rusam, thank you for unexpected and unusual help! I graduated Nursing School in New York, but couldn’t pass the exam three times. My friend recommend me to take Review Course for NCLEX-RN at Concord Rusam. It was extremely helpful: instructor explained all the details very accurately, and I started to understand material:) I passed exam successfully, so now I work as RN and feel happy. Thank you, Concord Rusam!
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